In-Home Support

Supporting older people to thrive at home

Lively In-Home Services offer friendly, flexible support through our specially-trained young Helpers (aged 18–25), with a focus on building emotional wellbeing via hands-on support and intergenerational learning and exchange.

Lively Helpers act as buddies to assist with basic needs such as garden maintenance, transport and domestic help, with the flexibility to help out with activities that often fall between the gaps of current services. These might be things like organising cupboards, weeding the garden,  providing tech support, troubleshooting utility bills or connecting to local activities in the community.

Lively Services

  • Help around the home

    Basic cleaning and laundry, or other tasks to keep your home feeling tidy and comfortable.

  • Social gardening

    Help to maintain the garden - working together to help with the bits that have become a bit too hard.

  • Tech help

    Getting familiar with a new device, or learning how to get online to connect, communicate and pursue interests.

  • Personal projects

    Working on projects around the house or getting creative - think family history writing, documenting recipes, or craft projects.

  • Transport out and about

    Transport and assistance to get out to social activities, community events or places of interest.

We match the Lively member with a suitable Helper so they can build an ongoing relationship, with backup Helpers available to ensure consistency.

Our Helpers are thoroughly screened and trained for their role and are supported by a caring behind-the scenes team.


  • Fundable through the government’s Home Care Package and Commonwealth Home Support Programs.

  • Minimum booking is 4 sessions to support ongoing, meaningful relationships.

  • Pricing covers fair wages for our young Helpers, the provision of training, mentoring and support.

Hourly rate

Type of support Standard hours Non-standard hours Saturday Sunday Public holiday
Lively Helper Service per hour $83 $88 $112 $144 $176